Saturday, August 13, 2011

on lying

i am usually pretty terrible when it comes to lying about stuff. i think it is because you can read everything i am thinking on my face. however, i am not sure if it is a recent thing, but lately, i find myself lying about stupid things for no reason. i have concluded that the easiest lie to tell is one that the other person wants to believe. at that point, it does not even feel like lying anymore, to be honest, but rather just letting someone hear what they want to hear. but at the same time, it makes the lie even worse.

i am not proud of this new found ability to lie, but it does make life a lot easier to go through. instead of having to explain an entire situation, which usually bores the other party to death, a quick lie of, "oh... the same ole thing," brings that conversation to a stop and other topics are discussed. i think in the past, i have made resolutions to be more truthful, but it never seems to stick. when you think about it, half the thoughts you have in your head on any given day paint you to be a terrible person, and who really wants to see that? but then again, maybe i am just making excuses to not have to tell the truth or burden other people or even hurt someone's feelings.

i get the feeling politeness and honesty do not go hand in hand. where is the line drawn between the two? either way, you usually end up alienating everyone you know and interact with, just in different ways. maybe someday i will be honest with myself and others, but for now, keeping the easy lie seems like the best option.


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